Spear samples were collected from 40 asparatus (Asparagus officinalis) fields in California and from 100 female and 100 male asparagus plants in the U.C. 157 Foundation Seed block at Davis. Fern and spear samples were collected from parent plants of the asparagus hybries U.C. 157 and Ida-Lea. Sap from samples giving positive reactions after mechanical transmission to Chenopodium quinoa was tested for asparagus virus 1 (AV 1) with immunsorbent electron microscopy or for asparagus virus II (AV II) or tobacco streak virus (TSV) in Ouchterlony double-diffusion plates. Both AV I and II were found throughout California and in the U.C. 157 Foundation See block. TSV was not found. AV II was seed-transmitted in U.C. 157 and Mary Washington. Both male and female parents of U.C. 157 and Ida-Lea were infected with AV II, but tissue-cultured plants derived from them were free of the virus. A stock of parent plants of Ida-Lea free of AV I, AV II, and TSV has been established.