Phosphorylation of the T cell antigen receptor: Multiple signal transduction pathways

In our previous description of the murine T cell antigen receptor complex (Samelson et al., 1985a), we demonstrated that the clonotypic α‐β heterodimer is associated with four additional polypeptides. These include the 26 kd δ chain, the 25 kd ε chain, a 21 kd glycoprotein probably homologous with the human T3 γ chain, and a 16 kd homodimer, the {chain. These polypeptides are co‐immunoprecipitated from T cell clones and normal peripheral T cells with monoclonal antibodies that bind the α‐β heterodimer or with antisera that bind the δ chain (Samelson et al., 1986b) or the { chain (Weissman et al., 1986). All of these murine polypeptides have counterparts on human T cells. These results indicated that the T cell antigen receptor is a seven‐chain complex.