Summary. The effects of 2,4‐D, 2,4,5‐T, mecoprop and 2,3,6‐TBA were compared with those of MCPA on the morphology and yield of lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, carrot, parsnip, French and broad bean, red beet, spinach, turnip and onion. Although the relativie phytotoxicity of MCPA, 2,4‐D, 2,4,5‐T and mecoprop varied according to the crop, the morphological abnormalities produced by the different compounds were essentially similar, except that in lettuce and cabbage sperilic foliar symptoms appeared to be associated with 2,4‐D. 2,3,6‐TBA caused less epinasty and usually fewer root and stem abnormalities, but in some crops, notably French and broad bean, red beet and spinach, it produced severe injury symptoms which were different from those produced by the other compounds.Effets de doses sub‐léthales de MCPA. sur la morphologie et le rendement des cultures légumirres VI. Comparaison avec le 2,4‐D, le 2,4,5‐T, le micoprop et le 2,3,6‐TBA