Echinococcus granulosus equinus: variation in the germinal layer of murine hydatids and evidence of autophagy

Summary: The germinal layer of sterile 9-month-old murine peritoneal cysts of Echinococcus granulosus equinus shows interrelated variation in depth, tissue integrity, metabolic reserves and the number of autophagic lamellar bodies present. These features are similar in large and medium-sized cysts from the same host, whether occurring singly or within cyst masses. Deep germinal layers (> 16 μm) are lipid- and glycogen-rich and possess numerous autophagic vacuoles with 6 nm period lamellar stacks asymmetrically disposed peripherally; shallow layers (< 12 μm), with indications of degeneration, have depleted metabolic reserves and fewer lamellar bodies. These bodies are formed by smooth endoplasmic reticulum encirclement of small glycogen masses followed by further sequestration, and eventually definition of glycogen particles may be lost. Autophagy of mitochondria and cytoplasmic vesicles also occurs. The presence of lysosomal enzymes within the layer suggests autolysosomal compartmentalization of excess substrate and effete material. Mucopolysaccharide bodies, containing material similar to that exocytosed to form the laminated layer matrix, occur and are formed from fusion and autophagy of Golgi-derived vesicles. These bodies may also develop peripheral 6 nm period lamellar stacks, but of limited depth. Mucopolysaccharide bodies are the dominant feature of the germinal layer of very small cyst-mass cysts in which laminated layer production is considered to be arrested. They thus represent a repository for the unreleased mucopolysaccharide material.