Gross and microscopic morphology of the Glandula proctodealis (foam gland) of Coturnix c. japonica (Aves)

The dorsal proctodeal wall of the Coturnix contains a gland which is especially well‐developed in the sexually active male and which secretes a foamy exudate. This gland has not been recorded in any other genus of birds and appears to be unique to members of the genus Coturnix. On the basis of its location in the adult we have named this gland the proctodeal gland (glandula proctodealis). Structure of the gland does not conform to any curently defined category of glands because it is an aggregate of individual glandular units each of which opens independently into the proctodeal cavity but with the entire structure enclosed by a connective tissue capsule. We have thus characterized it as an aggregate gland. Observations on the arrangement and composition of the fibrous capsule and its intimate relationship to the perimysium of M. sphincter cloacae indicate that release of the secretion probably results from contraction of the cloacal musculature. Preliminary data suggest that development of glandular tissue in the female may be a function of age rather than of androgen sensitivity which characterizes the male gland. It is concluded that the chemical nature of the glandular secretion and its function in the sexually active bird, as based on presently available information, remains unknown.

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