Muon spin rotation and magnetic order in the heavy-fermion compoundURu2Si2

Muon spin rotation and relaxation experiments have been carried out in the paramagnetic and magnetically ordered states of the magnetic heavy-fermion superconductor URu2 Si2. The positive-muon (μ+) linewidth σμ in zero and low applied fields (≲100 Oe) was consistent with nuclear dipolar broadening at temperatures above the ordering temperature TN, but increased below TN to a value of ∼0.1 μs1. This is definite evidence for magnetic ordering. However, the value of σμ corresponds to a rms local field of only ∼1 Oe, which is more than an order of magnitude smaller than expected from an antiferromagnetic (AF) array of U moments μ∼0.03μB, as obtained from neutron diffraction. Either the μ+ site is approximately symmetrically placed between the AF sublattices, or the muon suppresses AF ordering in its vicinity. The isotropic component of the observed μ+ frequency shift is small, and the anisotropic shift is of the order of the calculated dipolar contribution for several candidate μ+ sites (including the symmetric one).