Comparative restriction endonuclease analysis and molecular cloning of plastid DNAs from wild species and cultivated varieties of the genus Beta (L.)

A phyletic tree of the genus Beta has been constructed based on EcoRI and PstI plastid DNA restriction patterns of eight species from three sections of the genus. In contrast to the remarkable morphological variability of the varieties of B. vulgaris the restriction patterns of the plastid DNA of this species were found to be almost identical. The comparison of plastic DNAs of B. vulgaris crassa fertile and sterile lines with 13 different restriction enzymes revealed only a single fragment polymorphism in the HindIII patterns. Hybridization analyses in the plastidal rDNA region revealed an interesting loss of an EcoRI restriction site in all cultivated B. vulgaris varieties in contrast to wild species. The results of the construction of clone banks for SalI and BamHI fragments of plastid DNA from fertile B. vulgaris crassa are reported and difficulties in the cloning of specific fragments are discussed.