Pathogenic and Non‐pathogenic Entamoeba: Pore Formation and Hemolytic Activity1

Pore‐forming activity in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes of extracts from differentially pathogenic Entamoeba and the‐capacity of trophozoites and subcellular fractions to lyse human red blood cells (hrbc) were investigated. In all amebas studied, the two activities paralleled each other. They were high in E. histolytica irrespective of the virulence of the particular strain, but low in non‐pathogenic E. histolytica‐like amebas of human origin as well as in E. invadens, which is pathogenic for reptiles, and in E. moshkovskii isolated from sewage. We conclude that the capacities to insert pores and to lyse are not sufficient for virulence although they may be necessary.The subcellular distribution of the hemolytic activity of E. histolytica and its sensitivity to a variety of inhibitors and activators differ from those of other known amebic cytotoxic activities including pore formation. Therefore, there may be an additional constituent of E. histolytica involved in the cytotoxicity of the parasite.