Penicillin is present in the urine long after it no longer is detectable in the blood stream. Following intramusc. and intraven. admn. to dogs of 20,000 U. crystalline K penicillin G in aqueous soln., penicillin levels were detd. in the blood stream and lymph collected from the thoracic duct. At the end of the expt., penicillin levels of liver and kidney were detd. In a 2d series of expts., an oil suspension, containing 300,000 U. of crystalline K penicillin G plus 0.3 mg. of epineph-rine l/ml., was injd. intramusc. into dogs, and penicillin levels followed in the blood and lymph. Penicillin levels in the kidney and liver were detd. at the end of expt. In a 3d series, an aqueous soln. of penicillin was introduced into the exposed * duodenum of dogs by hypodermic injn. and penicillin levels followed in blood and lymph. In all expts., particularly toward the end, the penicillin levels in the lymph were of greater duration and higher concn. than in the blood. The liver and kidney in most cases contained penicillin after the lymph apparently was penicillin-free. No matter what route of administration, or what vehicle in which the penicillin was administered, it appeared 1st in the blood stream.

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