Long-term seizure outcome following surgery for dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor

Resection of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) is thought to result in favorable seizure outcome, but long-term follow-up data are scarce. The authors present a review of 18 patients who underwent surgical removal of a DNET: 12 via temporal lobectomy and six via lesionectomy. The mean long-term follow up was 10.8 years (median 10.4 years, range 7.8 to 14.8 years), and results obtained during this time period were compared with previously reported short-term (mean 2.7 years) seizure outcome data. In the current study, 66.7% patients had an Engel Class I outcome and 55.6% had an Engel Class IA outcome compared with 77.8% and 55.6%, respectively. Temporal lobectomy (Engel Class I, 83.3%; Engel Class IA, 66.7%) led to a better seizure outcome than lesionectomy (Engel Classes I and IA, 33.3%). Two patients (11.1%) required repeated operation and both had an incomplete lesionectomy initially. Results indicated that complete resection of a DNET leads to a favorable seizure outcome, with epilepsy cure in those who had experienced early postoperative seizure relief. Long-term seizure outcome after surgery is predictable based on the result of short-term follow up.