Source Fingerprints for Receptor Modeling of Volatile Organics

The development of receptor models for the determination of the sources of an ambient air pollutant requires that the composition of the pollutant at the point of emission be known. For this study, composition information for 10 sources of volatile organic compounds (VOC) were evaluated and source fingerprints developed. The source categories include motor vehicles, gasoline vapor, petroleum refineries, architectural coatings, graphic arts, waste-water treatment, vapor degreasing, drycleaning, automobile assembly (including body painting), and polyethylene production. The fingerprints are presented for a group of 23 compounds. These compounds were selected for a variety of reasons including ease of measurement in the ambient environment, compound toxicity, reactivity, and usefulness in previous receptor modeling applications. In general, the data for sources of VOC are remarkably consistent from study to study. Because the profiles for many of the sources of VOC are controlled by physical and chemical processes (e.g. combustion) and not raw material composition, the fingerprints have general applicability.