Cytotoxicity and Calcium-Dependent Antigen ofYersinia

The relationship between invasiveness and calcium dependency was examined in various strains of Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis by using established cell lines. Infection with calcium‐dependent bacteria resulted in the formation of microvilli and the adherence of bacteria on the cell surface, and the adherent bacteria were ingested 1.5 hr after infection. Morphological changes in the cells became visible 2 to 3 hr after infection, and intracellular multiplication of the ingested bacteria was noted. When the cells were incubated with bacteria at 37 C for 1.5 hr and then at 25 C, however, the morphological changes in the infected cells were not observed. No isogenic strains that had lost calcium dependency for growth at 37 C were able to elicit the morphological changes in the cells, though they possessed the ability to adhere to and penetrate the cells. The antigen(s) supposedly related to cytotoxicity of the calcium‐dependent Yersinia was sought by using antibodies prepared against calcium‐dependent bacteria and then absorbed with calcium‐independent bacteria and with calcium‐independent bacterial cytosol. Double diffusion tests between the antisera and bacterial cytosol extracts revealed the presence of an antigen which was a cytoplasmic substance common to all calcium‐dependent but not calcium‐independent strains of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis.