Synthetic testis hormone (testosterone propionate) is being used with increasing frequency in the treatment of a number of functional gynecologic conditions. We have previously reported on its use in the treatment of the menopausal syndrome,1 functional menometrorrhagia,2 dysmenorrhea,3 premenstrual tension,4 pain of ovulation and endometriosis, and functional mastopathies.5 Our experience with androgens in gynecologic therapy, which extends over a period of more than four years and is based on a series of 422 cases, has convinced us that their use as therapeutic agents has a sound rationale and a well defined place in our endocrine armamentarium. However, like so many other valuable therapeutic agents, their use is not unattended by harmful potentialities unless specific indications are observed and appropriate safeguards employed. Fortunately, the range of biologic effects exerted by these hormones, the threshold of tolerance and the objective criteria for regulating the dosage have been