Three of the viable solutions of the solar neutrino problem are consistent with close to maximal leptonic mixing: $\sin^2\theta_{12}={1\over2}(1-\epsilon_{12})$ with $|\epsilon_{12}|\ll1$. Flavor models can naturally explain close to maximal mixing if approximate horizontal symmetries force a pseudo-Dirac structure on the neutrino mass matrix. An experimental determination of $|\epsilon_{12}|$ and sign($\epsilon_{12}$) can constrain the structure of the lepton mass matrices and consequently provide stringent tests of such flavor models. If both $|\epsilon_{12}|$ and $\Delta m^2_{21}$ are known, it may be possible to estimate the mass scale of the pseudo-Dirac neutrinos. Radiative corrections to close to maximal mixing are negligible. Subtleties related to the kinetic terms in Froggatt-Nielsen models are clarified.

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