Molecular-dynamic study of the molecular glass model forRb1−x(ND4)xD2PO4

A two-dimensional model with four protons and two effective rubidium or ammonium particles per unit cell has been studied by the molecular-dynamic method. The symmetry properties of the phase transitions of RbD2 PO4 and ND4 D2 PO4 are used as input data for the simulation. The mixed system shows a glassy behavior. The freezing temperature Tf has been found by studying the glass order parameter ητ. $T sub f— depends on the time over which ητ has been averaged. The calculations showed that below Tf the mixed system can go to many local minima which differ by displacement patterns. With the use of the multiple molecular-dynamic method with time averages and configurational averages over local minima, the diffuse scattering function and the dynamical structure factor have been calculated. Diffuse streaks along the high-symmetry axes of the crystal have been found. The width of the diffuse streak and of the quasielastic scattering exhibit a change of slope as a function of temperature, in agreement with the neutron-experimental observations.