Leukocytic pyrogen and sodium acetylsalicyclate (NaASA) were microinjected into the preoptic/anterior hypothalamic (PO/AH) area of cats to examine the direct effects of these agents on identified thermoregulatory neurons. The pyrogen and NaASA were administered under thermoneutral conditions to preparations that displayed peripheral or peripheral and central thermoreceptor input. The majority of neurons studied with proximate injection of pyrogen responded in a manner consistent with the set-point hypothesis; i.e., units responding to heating with increased activity were depressed and those showing a decreased discharge with the heat test were excited by the pyretic agent. Injection of NaASA without pyrogen pretreatment caused no significant modification of thermoregulatory neuron discharge in most cases. However, when NaASA was administered after pyrogen, it uniformly antagonized the pyretic effect causing a return of the discharge to the control rate. It may be concluded that pyrogen and NaASA act directly in the PO/AH area to produce fever and antipyresis, respectively, by appropriately offsetting the activity of thermoregulatory neurons.