A temperature-sensitive mutant of H-1, ts14, that is partially defective in replicative-form (RF) DNA synthesis has been isolated. ts14 H-1 is characterized by a decrease in plaque-forming ability and production of infectious virus at the restrictive temperature of 39.5 degrees C. RF DNA synthesis of ts14 is reduced to 3 to 7% of that of wild-type H-1 at either the restrictive or the permissive temperature. A complementation analysis of RF synthesis of ts14 and a viable defective H-1 virus, DI-1, or wild-type H-3 indicates that the defective RF DNA synthesis of ts14 is cis-acting. ts14, unlike wild-type H-1, causes a multiplicity-dependent inhibition of DI-1 or H-3, but not LuIII, RF DNA synthesis. Mixed infections of cells with two parvoviruses also exhibited a cross-interference for viral protein synthesis that was multiplicity dependent, ts14 inhibited infectious virus production of H-1 or H-3, but not LuIII. LuIII-or H-3-pseudotype particles were produced by coinfection with H-1. H-3 and H-1 showed similar interactions with ts14, and H-3 DNA was more homologous to H-1 than was LuIII by comparative physical mapping studies. The results suggest that ts14 is a mutant with a defect in a regulatory sequence of its DNA that influence RF DNA replication.