The present paper is the result of continued search for Corals in the Great Oolite, and must be taken as supplementary to the one I have already published in the Journal of the Geological Society. As the information it contains is wholly supplementary, I do not deem it necessary that a systematic classification of the species should be very closely observed. A section will be given of the Great Oolite at Milton, Oxfordshire, where a coralliferous bed is exposed, and one also of the quarry near Cirencester, from which the late Mr. Brown obtained most of the Oolitic Corals which were given by him to the Oxford Museum. These sections, accompanied by an enumeration of the corals obtained from them, and some sections in the neighbourhood of Bath, with the species they have yielded, constitute the principal part of the paper. To this will be added notes and descriptions of some of the species. The genus Bathycœnia , and its allies, I have already shown to be characteristic of the Cornbrash ; but three specimens of Bathycœnia Slatteri have lately been found at Combe Down, Bath; and its presence there, taken in connection with the prevalence of the well-known Bradford-clay Encrinite in the corresponding coral-beds of Farley Down and Hampton Down, would scem to point to a higher geological level for the coralliferous deposits around Bath than I have hitherto attributed to any of the Oxfordshire coral-beds. At the same time it is desirable that I should mention the occurrence of