We have investigated the dynamics of resonant third‐order optical nonlinearity of chemically prepared poly(3‐dodecylthiophene) by the degenerate four wave mixing technique using 60 fs pulses at 620 nm. The measured effective value of χ(3) is 5.5×10− 1 1 esu, sixfold smaller than that obtained with 400 fs pulses, emphasizing the pulse width dependence of effective χ(3) when the relaxation time of the photogenerated excitation responsible for the optical nonlinearity is comparable to the pulse width. Within the resolution of the optical pulse, the rise time of the nonlinear response is instantaneous and the dominant decay occurs within 200 fs, revealing that the short time, nonlinear response is derived from the initially photogenerated excitons. A detailed analysis of the total decay behavior is consistent with the polarondynamics of the conformational deformation model proposed by Su, Schrieffer, and Heeger for a conjugated linear polymer with bond alternation.