Isolation in the allogeneic transplant environment: how protective is it?

Aggressive infection control measures that include isolating patients within protective hospital environments have become a standard practice during allogeneic stem cell transplantation. A wide range of interventions includes the management of ventilation systems, BMT unit construction and cleaning, isolation and barrier precautions, interactions with health-care workers and visitors, skin and oral care, infection surveillance, and the prevention of specific nosocomial and seasonal infections. However, many of these practices have not been definitively proven to provide patients the intended benefit of decreased infection rates or improved survival. Furthermore, each intervention comes with a financial and social cost. With institutional cost containment efforts and recent trials suggesting that patients may be safely cared for in the outpatient environment after allogeneic transplantation, many widely held practices in managing the transplant environment are being reconsidered. With changing practices, transplant teams are encouraged to review local patterns of infections and associated complications and communicate regularly with infection control committees for guidance on the evolution of isolation needs for the immunosuppressed patient.