Glia maturation factor-beta (GMF-beta) is a 17 kDa protein purified and sequenced from bovine brains. Using the monoclonal antibody G2-09 directed against GMF-beta, we previously demonstrated endogenous GMF-beta in astroblasts, Schwann cells, and their tumors in culture. In the present study, we have used indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with G2-09 to examine the effects of transection, crush, and regeneration of sciatic nerve on the expression of GMF-beta in Schwann cells in situ and to study the time course of GMF-beta induction in Schwann cells in vitro. For comparison, a parallel study was carried out with monoclonal antibodies directed against nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor. We found that (1) neither GMF-bera nor NGF receptor was detectable in intact sciatic nerves, (2) all Schwann cells of the distal segment of the transected nerve expressed GMF-beta as early as 3 d after axotomy that persisted up to 3 weeks, (3) axonal regeneration repressed the Schwann cell expression of GMF-beta, (4) isolated Schwann cells derived from rat sciatic and adult human sural nerves developed intracellular GMF-beta in culture following an initial lag period, and (5) the induction of Schwann cell NGF receptor coincided temporally with that of GMF-beta in the transected nerve and in culture. These results show that the expression of GMF-beta in Schwann cells, as is the case with NGF receptor, is induced by the loss of the normal axon-Schwann cell contact. We propose that the induction of GMF-beta, as well as NGF receptor, in Schwann cells after nerve injury plays a role in axonal regeneration.