Effects of some substrate analogs on aerobactin synthetase from Aerobacter aerogenes 62‐1

Tricarballylic acid was the only analog of citric acid that appeared to be a substrate for aerobactin synthetase. The others, succinic acid, glutaric acid and 3‐methyl‐3‐hydroxyglutaric acid, though potent inhibitors of aerobactin synthesis, were neither activated nor utilised by the enzyme system. Aerobactin synthetase seemed to mediate the condensation of either N 6n‐butyryl‐N 6‐hydroxylysine, or N 6‐succinyl‐N 6‐hydroxylysine, or N 6‐acetyllysine and citric acid, in a manner analogous to that of the natural substrate, N 6‐acetyl‐N 6‐hydroxylysine.