Review article: Polymer-matrix Nanocomposites, Processing, Manufacturing, and Application: An Overview
Top Cited Papers
- 1 September 2006
- journal article
- research article
- Published by SAGE Publications in Journal of Composite Materials
- Vol. 40 (17) , 1511-1575
This review is designed to be a comprehensive source for polymer nanocomposite research, including fundamental structure/property relationships, manufacturing techniques, and applications of polymer nanocomposite materials. In addition to presenting the scientific framework for the advances in polymer nanocomposite research, this review focuses on the scientific principles and mechanisms in relation to the methods of processing and manufacturing with a discussion on commercial applications and health/safety concerns (a critical issue for production and scale-up). Hence, this review offers a comprehensive discussion on technology, modeling, characterization, processing, manufacturing, applications, and health/safety concerns for polymer nanocomposites.Keywords
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