Measurement of the RatioσB(Weν)σB(Z0e+e)inp¯pCollisions ats=1.8TeV

We present a measurement of the ratio σB(Weν)σB(Z0e+e) in p¯p collisions at s=1.8 TeV The data represent an integrated luminosity of 21.7 pb1 from the 1992-1993 run of the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We find σB(Weν)σB(Z0e+e)=10.90±0.32(stat)±0.29(syst). From this value, we extract a value for the W width, Γ(W)=2.064±0.061(stat)±0.059(syst) GeV, and the branching ratio, Γ(Weν)Γ(W)=0.1094±0.0033(stat)±0.0031(syst), and we set a decay-mode-independent limit on the top quark mass mtop>62 GeV/c2 at the 95% C.L.