More anomalies from the Allende Meteorite: Samarium

The isotopic composition of Sm has been measured in the Allende inclusions Cl and EK1‐4‐1. These inclusions were previously shown to have isotopic anomalies for the elements O, Mg, Ca, Ba and Nd. Sample Cl has a normal Sm isotopic composition except for the “p‐process” isotope 144Sm, which has an excess of 15±5 parts in 104. Sample EK1‐4‐1 was found to have Sm with a highly aberrant composition, indicating excess at all unshielded isotopes and an excess at 144Sm. These data confirm the previous evidence for an addition of “r‐process” isotopes to this material and also indicate an addition to the “p‐process” isotope 144Sm. From the observations on Cl it is inferred that the “p‐process” addition is decoupled from the “r‐process” addition.