Consecutive-night reliability of portable nocturnal penile tumescence monitor

Consecutive-night reliability of nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) was determined in 77 patients, including 47 normal controls (NC), 16 patients with end stage renal disease on maintenance hemodialysis (ESRD), and 14 patients with chronic illnesses but normal renal functioning (CI). A portable NPT monitor was used in a clinical research ward setting. Since there is not yet widespread agreement as to the clinically most relevant NPT response criteria, three were examined: the proportion of sleep time during which an erection of a given penile circumference change was maintained, the maximum penile circumference change obtained, and the number of erections per night of a given penile circumference change. For all three response criteria in each of the three populations the consecutive-night correlation of results was statistically significant, suggesting that portable NPT has consecutive-night reliability.