Synthesis of TiO2–Au Composites by Titania‐Nanorod‐Assisted Generation of Gold Nanoparticles at Aqueous/Nonpolar Interfaces

Hydrophobically coated anatase TiO2 nanorods can assist the reduction of AuCl4ions at aqueous/nonpolar solvent interfaces, which results in the generation of organic‐soluble Au nanoparticles with tunable size in the absence of any metal ligands and/or phase‐transfer agents. The titania‐nanorod‐driven modulation of interfacial energy and catalysis of gold nucleation provide straightforward access to nanocomposite solutions of TiO2‐stabilized Au nanoparticles. Among colloidal approaches, this method represents a unique tool for the surfactantless, large‐scale preparation of nanostructured semiconductor–metal hybrid systems with relevant technological potential in catalysis, photocatalysis, and charge‐storage processes.