Diffusion on a honeycomb lattice: Real-space renormalization-group approach

A two-dimensional lattice-gas model with honeycomb symmetry is investigated by using the real-space renormalization group (RSRG) approach with a number of RSRG transformations based on clusters of different symmetries and sizes (up to 42 sites). The accuracy of calculations is found to be a nonmonotonic function of the size of a cluster, and to depend strongly on its symmetry. The highest obtained accuracy with respect to the determination of the critical value of the pair interaction parameter is 0.38%. The phase diagram of the Ising antiferromagnetic spin model and of the corresponding lattice-gas model is constructed with this accuracy. The ordered phase in the lattice system is shown to appear in the very narrow density interval, 0.447<n<0.553. In addition, the coverage dependence of the chemical diffusion coefficient and mean-square density fluctuations are studied at temperatures below the critical one. Both quantities are demonstrated to exhibit singularities at the critical coverages. The type of singularities (in particular, the critical slowdown of diffusion) is in agreement with the predictions of the scaling theory and also with recent results obtained for a model treating the effect of surface reconstruction on diffusion.