Total cross sections are reported for electron transfer in collisions between protons and Li2+ ions at proton energies 17.5200 keV relative to the Li2+ ion and for ionization at energies 50200 keV. A coupled-state, Sturmian approach has been taken. For electron transfer, a detailed, basis-convergence study has been carried out. Larger-basis results have also been obtained for electron transfer in p-He+ collisions, confirming the accuracy of results reported previously with smaller bases, and p-He+ ionization cross sections are also reported for the first time with a Sturmian basis. For the p-Li2+ processes, results are compared with the only previously existing pseudostate results (one-and-a-half-center results), and, for electron transfer, the energy range of existing results is extended. There do not appear to be any experimental results for p-Li2+ collisions. A detailed comparison with the other theoretical results and with experimental results is carried out for the p-He+ processes; except for some discrepancies at the extrema of the energy range, the results are in general accord.