Trajectory of group Ia and Ib fibers from the hind-limb muscles at the L3 and L4 segments of the spinal cord of the cat

Nineteen physiologically identified group Ia and five group Ib fibers at the L3 and L4 levels of the spinal cord originating from various hind-limb muscles were intraaxonally injected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The trajectories of the stained axons were reconstructed. They extended for distances of 8.6 mm–18.0 mm rostrocaudally. Ascending axons ran in various regions of the dorsal funiculus: The ascending axon from a toe muscle (3 μm in diameter) ran in the ventralmost part of the paramedian region; those from shank muscles (3.0–5.0 μm) in both dorsal and ventral paramedian regions; those from thigh muscles (5.0–7.0 μm) in both the paramedian and the more lateral regions; and those from hip muscles (6.0–7.0 μm) in the lateral region. Main collaterals arising from the parent fiber were given off at intervals of 0.5–6.2 mm (mean 2.4 mm). Collaterals of a fiber from a toe muscle (1.0 μm in diameter) entered Clarke's column from the dorsomedial side and ramified mostly in the dorsomedial one-third of the column. Collaterals of fibers from shank muscles (1.0–2.0 μm) entered Clarke's column from the dorsal side and terminated in its middle parts as well as in laminae V–VII. Collaterals of fibers from thigh muscles (1.0–2.5 μm) passed lateral to or through the lateral part of Clarke's column and terminated in its ventrolateral part and in laminae V–VIII. Collaterals of fibers from hip muscles (1.5–2.5 μm) passed lateral to Clarke's column and ramified mostly in laminae VII–IX. As the muscle of origin became more proximal, the proportion of termination outside of Clarke's column progressively increased. Thus, the trajectory of group I fibers was somatotopically organized both in the dorsal funiculus and in the gray matter. The long axis of boutons ranged from 0.5 to 17 μm in Ia fibers and from 0.5 to 8 μm in Ib fibers. “Giant” Ia boutons (above 7 μm) were found both in and outside Clarke's column.