History dependence of protein adsorption kinetics

The behavior of proteins at biological and synthetic interfaces is often characterized by a strong history dependence caused by long relaxation times or irreversible transitions. In this work, we introduce the rate of adsorption as a means to systematically quantify the extent, and identify the underlying causes, of history dependence. We use multistep kinetic experiments in which the i′th step is an exposure of a Si(Ti)O2 surface to a flowing fibronectin or cytochrome c solution of concentration ci for a time ti (ci = 0 corresponds to a rinse) and measure the protein adsorption by optical waveguide light mode spectroscopy. The rate of adsorption is sensitive to the structure of the adsorbed layer, and we observe it to greatly increase, for a given adsorbed density, when going from a first to a subsequent adsorption step. This increase is most pronounced when the duration of the initial adsorption step is long. We attribute these observations to the gradual and irreversible formation of protein clusters or locally ordered structures and use them to explain previous underestimates of kinetic data by mesoscopic model descriptions. A thorough understanding of these complex postadsorption events, and their impact on history dependence, is essential for many physiological and biotechnological processes. Optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy is a promising technique for their macroscopic quantification.