A Pharmacological and Chemical Study of Humoral Mediators in the Sympathetic Nervous System

Paper chromato-graphic analysis and associated bioassay has shown that the material released upon electrical stimulation of postgangliocic sympathetic nerve fibers supplying the liver, spleen and the intestine, in the cat and in the rabbit, consists predominantly of nor-epinephrine (over 90%) together with much smaller quantities of epinephrine. The ratio of nor-epinephrine to epinephrine obtained from adrenal medullary effluents exhibited no correlation with the proportion of these substances released upon adrenergic nerve stimulation. This was true for both species. It is impossible, therefore, to predict the nature of adrenergic. mediating substances throughout the body, merely by determining the ratio of nor-epinephrine which occurs in the adrenal medullary effluent.