Relationships between plasma depletion and subsolar reconnection

Observations in the subsolar magnetosheath show that the plasma depletion layer (PDL) is less pronounced for southward than for northward IMF. Since subsolar plasma depletion indicates pile‐up of magnetic flux, the degree of plasma depletion should depend on the relative rates of flux transport via subsolar reconnection and flux advection by the solar wind flow. To identify the factors affecting plasma depletion, we consider the ratio D = Er/Esw where Er is the reconnection electric field and Esw is the imposed solar wind electric field. For a quasi‐perpendicular subsolar bow shock D can be expressed in terms of magnetosheath parameters. Since PDL formation is suppressed when the subsolar bow shock is quasi‐parallel, we restrict attention to quasi‐perpendicular conditions. We show that D increases with increasing reconnection efficiency, magnetic shear at the magnetopause, and the magnetosheath magnetic field but decreases with increasing total perpendicular pressure (particle plus magnetic field) in the magnetosheath. By combining observations of the subsolar quasi‐perpendicular magnetosheath from AMPTE/IRM and AMPTE/CCE we verify that the degree of plasma depletion is inversely correlated with D. Furthermore, we show that the greater prevalence of plasma depletion in the CCE data implies that the reconnection efficiency is lower for the CCE events and specifically that the reconnection efficiency depends roughly inversely on magnetosheath β, for β > 1. Finally, the results show that all of the changes brought about by plasma depletion act to increase Er so that some subsolar reconnection is likely to occur even for low magnetic shear. Thus the percentage of the magnetosheath magnetic field that participates in reconnection near the subsolar region does not act as a rectifier but remains positive for all shear angles, decreasing monotonically as the magnetic shear at the subsolar magnetopause changes from high to low shear. This implies that the equatorward polar cap convection cells observed during northward IMF and conventionally thought to be driven by a viscous interaction may be due at least in part if not wholly to subsolar low shear reconnection.