Till is of common occurrence in the marine environment and can be both subglacial and proglacial in origin. Former glacial margins are often represented by till tongues, that are interbedded with stratified glaciomarine sediment, and the relationship is readily mappable using seismic reflection techniques. It is inferred that within individual till tongues, sediment‐gravity flow deposits form transitional contacts with till of subglacial origin, but these contacts cannot be distinguished on seismic profiles. These unstratified, gravity‐induced deposits formed in close proximity to the glacial source at the grounding line are considered to be secondary tills (flow‐till complex) in terms of the INQUA classification of tills.Till‐tongue successions and till deltas are large, ice‐marginal depocentres associated with floating front ice‐margins, and appear to be closely related in origin.Tabular and hummocky moraines of the mid‐Norwegian Shelf also are considered to be products of floating‐front margins and represent a large proportion of the retreat tills formed during ice recession.Seismostratigraphic evidence for channelisation in ice‐marginal deposits appears to provide a means of distinguishing between former tidewater and floating‐front margins.