For the further test of Debye's theory of anomalous dispersion, dielectric constants and absorptions were measured at λ = 1.82 m for the following fluids: ethyl alcohol, n‐propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, n‐butyl alcohol, amyl alcohol, chlorobenzene, quinoline and nitrobenzene. The resonance method for undamped waves was used. The results are generally in good agreement with Debye's theory as well as with the results of Mizushima and others for fluids whose polarizations for infinite dilution do not differ greatly from those at normal concentration, as for the alcohols and chlorobenzol. For fluids like quinoline and nitrobenzene, the agreement is far from satisfactory. For these, however, when Malsch modification of Debye's theory is taken into account, a somewhat improved check is found, that for the dielectric constant being satisfactory, but that for the absorption of energy, while improved, being still far from satisfactory.