Cardiac receptors with non-medullated vagal afferents in the rat

The characteristics of 22 atrial receptors in 15 normotensive adult male Wistar rats were studied. All receptor afferents were included in the C-fiber group with conduction velocities from 0.4-1.2 m/s. No atrial medullated receptors or ventricular C-fiber endings were found. Two receptors were located in right atrium and 2 receptors throughout left atrium. Upon elevation of the left atrial pressure the receptor discharge was markedly elevated with thresholds from 2.5-9 mmHg in mean left atrial pressure. Of the atrial receptors 10 displayed a clear cardiac rhythmicity upon activation and the discharge correlated with the v-wave, indicating distension as the cause of receptor activation. The maximal firing rate in most receptors was very high (up to 70 Hz) but 8 receptors had maximal firing rates below 25 Hz. The low frequency receptors had higher threshold and showed a more irregular firing. There is a substantial population of atrial receptors with vagal non-medullated afferents in the rat heart and the thresholds for many receptors are so low that they tend to be active during normal conditions.