Among a few potential archezoan groups, only the Metamonada (diplomonads, retortamonads, and oxymonads) still retain the status of amitochondriate protists that diverged before the acquisition or retention of mitochondria. Indeed, finding that diplomonad genomes harbor a gene encoding a mitochondrial type chaperonin 60, the most compelling evidence for their secondarily amitochondriate nature, may be interpreted as an acquisition of this important general chaperone during some transient α-proteobacterial endosymbiosis. Recently published data on the cysteine desulfurase IscS demonstrated an α-proteobacterial origin of mitochondrial enzymes including a diplomonad Giardia lamblia homolog. An extended phylogenetic analysis of IscS is reported here that revealed a full canonical pattern of mitochondrial ancestry for the giardial enzyme. The above canonical pattern, a sister group relationship of mitochondria and rickettsiae exclusive of free-living α-proteobacteria, was robustly confirmed by a comprehensive analysis of Cob and Cox1 subunits of the respiratory chain encoded by resident mitochondrial genes. Given that Fe–S cluster assembly involving IscS represents an essential mitochondrial function, these data strongly suggest that diplomonads once harbored bona fide mitochondria.