Studies on Certain Biological Characteristics of Malleomyces mallei and Malleomyces pseudomallei

Intracellular granulations, apparent in all granule stains, were most marked in direct smears from infected tissues stained with Wright''s stain. Electron micrographs showed intracellular refractile bodies resembling lipoid globules and opaque areas of increased protoplasmic density. M. pseudomallei possesses lophotrichate flagella, M. mallei is atrichous. Both organisms grew well on beef extract glycerol (4%) peptone agar and in Luhrs'' modification of Long''s synthetic medium for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Aeration and oxygenation of broth cultures produced a much heavier growth with even turbidity and little or no pellicle. Most effective disinfection occurred using hypochlorite, iodine, Hg-Cl2, and "roccal". The latter was almost ideal for universal use. Lyophilization preserved viability and virulence for at least 3[long dash]6 months. Organisms in tap water suspension survived 4-8 weeks and Malleomyces pseudomallei actually increased in numbers. Isolation from contaminated specimens was done by treating the specimen suspension with 1000 V. of penicillin / ml. for 3 hrs. and then plating out on crystal violet ( 1-200,000) glycerol agar and EMB glycerol agar plates, or inoculating subcut. into hamsters. Suspicious colonies were identified by the oxidase reaction and slide agglutination.

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