Immunoadsorption for coagulation factor inhibitors

Inhibitors to coagulation factors are among the most difficult problems in the management of coagulation disorders. Most presently available therapy does not assure hemostasis. An extracorporeal immunoadsorption system, which selectively binds IgG, was used to lower inhibitor levels in eight patients on 10 occasions. In this system, separated plasma is delivered to two staphylococcal protein A-Sepharose columns, which are coupled to an elution monitor. Columns are eluted sequentially and regenerated to maximize IgG removal. Successful removal of the inhibitor was accomplished in all six hemophiliacs on seven occasions, as well as in a patient with acquired von Willebrand disease. All patients whose inhibitors were lowered to less than 10 Bethesda units achieved measurable factor levels when factor concentrate replacement was given. Immunoadsorption facilitates efficient removal of inhibitors, which allows factor replacement therapy.