Milk lipids and their variability

SummaryHuman milk is found to be variable in its composition but these variations are predictable and could be physiologically significant to the neonate. In-feed variations are mainly associated with a rise in milk lipid content. Milk from the early part of the feed provides water and the later milk is rich in lipid. This change offers the baby a means of satisfying water and nutrient requirements and could also act as a mechanism of appetite control.Milk has been studied over a 9-month lactation period. It was found that whilst the early milk phosphoglycerides were rich in the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids used in brain cell growth, their content fell with time, but the proportion of the long-chain mono-unsaturated acids used in myelin increased. This change is consistent with the changing developmental biology in the neonate which shifts the emphasis from brain cell division to myelination.In general, the fatty acid composition of breast milk from well-nourished mothers in different countries ...