Fifty-seven patients with high peptic stricture and the lower oesophagus lined by columnar epithelium are considered from the clinical point of view. Information from 115 cases of low stricture is introduced for comparison. The average age of adult patients was 62 years with a sex incidence of 36 females to 21 males. There is little difference between the symptoms of high and low strictures. Radiologically, the majority of high strictures are short and smooth but other types are illustrated. Carcinoma and congenital mid-oesophageal web are considered in the differential diagnosis. There was an associated duodenal ulcer in 10% of cases. In six patients, a high stricture developed soon after an abdominal operation or period of recumbency. Two patients are illustrated showing the process of stricture formation. Four patients are described who had gastric-lined oesophagus but no ulceration of stricture. One patient had a Barrett ulcer in addition to a high stricture. A patient is described in whom the mucosa of the lower oesophagus appeared to be replaced by jejunal mucosa following oesophagojejunostomy. One patient is illustrated in whom a stricture was seen to ascend the oesophagus over a period of six years. Thirty-three patients were treated by dilatation and 24 by operation. Hernial repair is an effective form of treatment. Of 19 patients treated in this way, significant dysphagia persisted in two and slight dysphagia in one. The clinical findings are discussed in relation to the origin of columnar epithelium in the oesophagus.