Chemical potential dependence of π and ρ properties

Using a confining, Dyson-Schwinger equation model of QCD at finite temperature (T) and chemical potential (μ), we study the behavior of q¯q, mπ, fπ and the masses of the ρ- and φ-mesons. For each of these quantities there is a necessary anticorrelation between its response to T and its response to μ. (q¯q) and fπ decrease with T and increase with μ; mπ is almost insensitive to T and μ until very near the border of the confinement domain; the mass of the longitudinal component of the vector mesons increases with T and decreases with μ. At T=0, the ρ-meson mass is reduced by approximately 15% at nuclear matter density. These results are a consequence of the necessary momentum-dependence of the dressed-quark self-energy.