Extra-axial cavernous hemangiomas involving the dural sinuses

Extra-axial cavernous hemangiomas are rare lesions previously associated with unacceptable mortality and morbidity rates that precluded surgical resection. The authors analyze the clinical presentation, surgical results, and histology of eight intrasinus cavernous hemangiomas: six located in the cavernous sinus, one in the petrosal sinus, and one in the torcula. Magnetic resonance imaging is the best radiographic test for surgical planning. Successful tumor removal was achieved in six cases with no mortality and low morbidity. In the remaining two patients, only subtotal resection was achieved because of massive hemorrhage in one and the misdiagnosis of a pituitary adenoma leading to a transsphenoidal approach in the other. For hemangiomas arising within the cavernous sinus, extradural removal of the sphenoid bone facilitated preservation of the neurovascular structures. Since the clinical and histological characteristics of these lesions are distinct from intra-axial cavernous hemangiomas, a more appropriate term may be "sinus cavernoma" to indicate that these lesions are primarily intrasinus in origin.