The effects of copper deficiency on human lymphoid and myeloid cells: anin vitromodel

Cu has long been known to influence immune responses. An in vitro model system was established in which human myeloid(HL-60), B-lymphoid (Raji) and T-lymphoid (Molt-3) cell lines could be grown in culture media of varying Cu levels. Initially Cu was removed from the medium by dialysisof fetal calf serum against a metal-ion chelator, minor depletion of other trace metals being obviated by repletion with appropriate metal salts. The growth rate of HL-60 was significantly (P2+levels were raised. Intracellular activity of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (EC 1. 15. 1. 1) was significantly impaired (P2+influx. A major consequence of the type of damage occurring under these circumstances is membrane disruption. This was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy of Molt-3 cells grown under varying Cu levels.