Synergetic Extraction in Systems with Dicarbollide and Bidentate Phosphonate

A process for the extraction of tervalent metal cations from 3 M HNO3 highly radioactive waste based on synergetic mixtures of dicarbollide with neutral organophosphonate (dibutyl diethylcarbamoylmethylene phosphonate) is proposed. Due to the great hydrophobicity of dicarbollide anion, the species ML3+ n · 3BCl is extracted and the extraction in this TRUDIC process decreases with aqueous acidity, contrary to TRUEX process. HL +BCl is the main particle in the organic phase. The extraction of Cs+, Sr2+, Ba2+, and Ru is low, and the extraction of Zr can be suppressed by citric acid. Possible advantages of the system are discussed.