A new Monte Carlo algorithm for 3D photon dose calculation in radiation therapy is presented, which is based on the previously developed Voxel Monte Carlo (VMC) for electron beams. The main result is that this new version of VMC (now called XVMC) is more efficient than EGS4/PRESTA photon dose calculation by a factor of 15-20. Therefore, a standard treatment plan for photons can be calculated by Monte Carlo in about 20 min. on a "normal" personal computer. The improvement is caused mainly by the fast electron transport algorithm and ray tracing technique, and an initial ray tracing method to calculate the number of electrons created in each voxel by the primary photon beam. The model was tested in comparison to calculations by EGS4 using several fictive phantoms. In most cases a good coincidence has been found between both codes. Only within lung substitute dose differences have been observed.