Nodulation of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) by Rhizobia

Nodules were induced on the non-legume oilseed rape, following enzyme treatment of seedling roots and inoculation with Rhizobium legnminosarum, Bradyrhizobtum 32H1 or a mixture of R. lott with Bradyrhizobium 32H1 in the presence of PEG. A Nod− strain of R leguminosarum also induced nodules, but a Nod− strain failed to elicit this response Nodules induced on oilseed rape were morphologically similar, when examined by light microscopy and cryo-scanning electron microscopy, to those induced on roots of white clover by R trifolu. Transmission electron microscopy showed rhizobia within cells of the nodules These observations are discussed with respect to the extension of Rhizobium symbiosis to non-legumes.

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