Scintigraphic distribution of 123 I labelled proinsulin, split conversion intermediates and insulin in rats

Insulin, biosynthetic human proinsulin and 2 human proinsulin conversion intermediates, des (64, 65) human proinsulin and des (31, 32) human proinsulin, were labelled with 123 I and the derivatives monosubstituted on Tyr A14 were purified by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The four tracers were injected into anaesthetized rats via a jugular or a portal vein and time activity curves were generated for the liver and kidneys using a gamma camera and an online computer. Liver extraction coefficients varied in the order insulin (38%), des (64, 65) human proinsulin (11.7%), des (31, 32) human proinsulin (3.2%), human proinsulin (1.6%); whereas half-life of hepatic activity varied in the reverse order, from 6 min for insulin, to 45 min for human proinsulin. As expected for a non-receptor mediated process, kidney extraction varied conversely to liver extraction, being highest for human proinsulin and lowest for insulin. It is concluded that the kinetics of human proinsulin conversion intermediates depends upon the site of cleavage and deletion and is intermediate between those of insulin and intact human proinsulin.