We have previously shown that alendronate can prevent human PC-3 ML tumor cell metastasis to the bone (Wang and Stearns, 1991, Differentiation, 48, 115-25). In this paper, ELISAs and Western blots showed that TGF- β1 stimulated the secretion of a 72 kDa matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) to enhance the solubilization of radiolabeled collagen 1 by metastatic human prostate PC-3 ML cells. A potent bisphos-phonate compound, alendronate, inhibited MMP-2 secretion to block solubilization of collagen 1. Alendronate failed to inhibit MMP-2 activity directly, but instead appeared to block cellular secretion of MMP-2. Alendronate failed to inhibit secretion of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2; the inhibitor of MMP-2) and the decrease in collagen 1 solubilization observed may occur, in part, from changes in the molar stoichiometry of TIMP-2 to MMP-2. We conclude that alendronate may be a potent inhibitor of bone resorption based on its ability to block MMP-2 secretion by tumor cells. © Rapid Science Ltd.