Psychic disturbances associated with influenza are first mentioned in the literature in connection with an epidemic of 1385 in Germany.1The "deliria" of the epidemic of 1387 are mentioned in accounts2by Valescus de Taranta and Gassar. The "vexatious deliria" of the epidemic of 1510 are mentioned by Mezèray.3In "Annals of Influenza,"4published in 1852, Riverius5is quoted regarding the epidemic of 1580 thus: "It began with a fever and cough, then followed again a pain of the head and loins, then the fever intermitted a few days and returned with fresh vigor. Some had no rest, but the heat increasing they died; as some did of a phrenzy (!) and others of a consumption." Henisch the First spoke of the extreme prostration, "somnolent states, lipothymias, and other disquieting incidents" of this same epidemic. Quoted by Espagnol,6Ozanam7recounts the occurrence of "such